Kindness Jar
As seen in “Be Kind, Be You” Season 2, Episode 4
Clean jar
Markers or crayons
Colored paper
White paper, cut into small rectangles
Glue stick and school glue
Various bits of ribbon, pompoms, pipe cleaners
Cut a piece of colored paper large enough to cover the jar. Add the words “Catch some kindness” and draw butterflies in marker or crayon.
Attach the label to the jar with glue stick and tape.
Cut out butterflies from a narrow strip of construction paper folded lengthwise. (Tip: Draw “3”s on paper with open side of 3 on folded edge for butterfly shape)
Unfold and decorate. Attach to the jar.
Add any other decorative items like ribbons around the neck, pom poms, glitter, buttons, etc.
Cut more butterflies as indicated in #4.
Write random acts of kindness on these butterflies such as, “Open the door for someone.”
Put your butterflies in the jar! You can use this jar whenever you need some ideas for how to kind.
Questions to Ask Your Child
Do you know what kindness means?
Has anyone ever done something kind for you?
Can you remember a time you did something kind for someone else?
What are some ways to be kind to others?