We're seeking local community friends and partners that foster pride in our cultures and communities.

Honoring one of our Community Friends

We recently lost a dear friend and wonderful community supporter of LL+L, Jean Marie Enticknap. Jean was the Thistle Theatre's accomplished and beloved Artistic Director. She was a powerful collaborator and a vital piece of our show’s history. She will be dearly missed.

Production Partnerships

Thank you to our Production Partnerships who provide venue space, materials, talent support, and production support to make our shows shine!

Community Friends

Shout out to our Community Friends who are our ‘town criers’ or community messengers. They share in our promotional outreach efforts and provide access to children, families, and civic institutions that are committed to equity and educational justice.

Current Institutional Donors

Past Institutional Donors

Thank you to the many individuals and organizations that have invested in our work! Your gift means more early learning support, more racial equity and more radical joy! Please email us at info@looklistenandlearn.org for more information.